Well, it´s been a pretty interesting week here to say the least. Things are going pretty well though. I´ve really enjoyed having Elder Brandon as a companion and he´s the companion I´ve felt the closest to so far. We´ve just been good buddies from the start of this transfer. The bad news is that his time with me here in this area has already ended!.. For whatever reason we got a call on friday and they said they need him in La Fuerte, Sinaloa (some small ranch) this monday. He´s going to be a Zone Leader there and it´s funny because that same day he was telling me how he hopes he never has to be one haha... Anyways I went to the bus center with him this morning to drop him off. I feel jipped that he´s already going but I´m sure he´ll keep being an awesome missionary. We´ll probably at least be in the same zone at some point again too.
I got my new companion Elder Runnings this morning too and I´m sure we are going to have a good transfer here together. He seems like a pretty cool guy and we´re obviously here in this area together for a reason. I´m excited to start some more of our plans with helping out the ward mission plan and reactivating some families. I like the ward here but I think they lack a little direction with the ward mission plan. We´re supposed to have an activity this friday so hopefully that will go well and the ward will feel more unified.
Besides that bad news there has been some really good news! We had a lesson with the Familia Meza last week and the Hermana Alba and her daughter Olivia finally decided to get baptized. I talked about them before, the husband, Marco is an awesome member and we´ve been teaching them since before I got in the area.. I think sometimes the Lord might just call us in an area even if it´s to touch the heart of one person in particular and that´s probably why E. Brandon is already out of here now haha. We´re going to baptize them on the 28th of this month, the day after there wedding anniversary too!
I´m learning a lot about myself, how to be a better missionary, and the gospel lately. There´s sometimes it is so easy to recognize the hand of the Lord helping us out and there´s other times I think we just kind of forget. Then we think that the Lord has forgotten about us. I know that the Lord loves us all and I hope that I can learn how to recognize and follow his will more in my life.
Thanks for all the support at home as always. You are all in my thoughts and prayers. Hope you have awesome week!
Elder Carlson