Sunday, June 3, 2012

28 May 2012, Culiacan Mexico

¡Hola Familia!

Well, this week has gone by really fast and I feel a little more adjusted to my new settings haha. I´ve been having a good time with my new companion getting to know the ward members and the investigators we have. There is a lot of people to get to know especially since we are over 2 wards right now but that makes things a little more fun too. We seem to have some pretty cool investigators. There´s one family in the ward that is really cool, Familia Rojo, and just the daughter is left to get baptized, Jessica. We´re going to see how things go reteaching her the lessons and things because it sounds like she´s pretty much ready but just hasn´t made the decision yet. Her brother is getting ready to go on a mission too so that´s pretty cool too : ). 

We need to start finding new people to teach and we had our district meeting about finding new people this morning. There´s a ton of ways to find people to teach but it still can take a lot of work sometimes! That´s why we always need to have a good attitude and it´s important to work with the ward. When you work well with the ward the missionary work is sooo much easier. It´s funny seeing how the missionary works now being a missionary. A lot of people think all the missionary work in the church is left to the missionaries, but the best way to have success is working together with the remembers. They know the people who are ready to hear the gospel and can give the support and encouragement needed.

Besides all that fun stuff it has been pretty flippin hot here but things are just starting to heat up. It´s not as bad as I thought it would be so far though to be honest.. We were givin permission to go to the Zoo today in Culiacán because Elder Martinez and the district hit their goal for the month. It´s not a very big Zoo but it was fun to be able to do something kind of different on preparation day. We had a good time with that and afterwards ate some shrimp tacos with the Familia Rojo.

Anyways I better get going! Hope everyone is doing well and glad to hear from you all. Thanks for all the support and prayers, you´re all aways in mine! : )

Elder Carlson

P.S. I tried to send some photos but it´s not working : /. So til next week if it didn´t send!

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