Tuesday, February 19, 2013

19 Febrero, La Paz, Mexico

Mi Querido Familia,
Well this week has been flying by!! Even literally this time haha! I´m in La Paz now and I flew here yesterday. We took of at 7 at night and I had to take a bus to Culiacán and take a flight from there to La Paz. So after our district meeting and stuff today I have been finishing my p-day today. This last week I was in culiacán for the seminary capicitation too. We were able to learn a lot of things and it was nice to get to see a bunch of other missionaries there. One of the things that really stuck out to me was the need for us to be more humble and recognize the will of the Lord. There was one part we were reading in the Book of Mormon about Lehi´s dream. There´s a part were the people heading towards the tree of life and some of them fell away because they were ashamed. We learned the people who never fell away were the ones who realized what the tree was, it was the love of God. Sometimes we do good things too, but maybe not for the right reasons. I know that I have done that in the past and still need to improve on that. It´s not only important to do good but to make sure that our eyes are on the glory of God. I´m realizing more and more that we are constantly surrounded by people that need the gospel too. A lot of it is just a matter of learning to listen to the spirit, being worthy of it, and opening our mouths to spread our message of joy.. This sunday it was way cool because we got to bring Bryan and Carlos to church. When we got there hardly anybody was there, not even many members. I was praying in my heart that more people would come and realized that they would enjoy the experience either way. Then 2 more investigators showed up that surprised us. Afterwards we found out the Claudia and her soon were there too but had gone to the other branch earlier in the morning and she even payed her tithing offering. It was really a miracle to see it all happen and a great way to depart from Escuinapa.
It was sad to have to say goodbye to Elder Clayson so fast, but I´ll still see him again the next time we go to Culiacán. I´m with Elder Hernandez this transfer and he is from Texas. His parents are both mexican and know spanish, but he didn´t know spanish before the mission. He said his parents just spake english to them but his mom and dad spoke spanish to eachother when they were alone ha. E. Clayson was very motivated and it seems like E. Hernadez is the same way. I´m excited to work together and know we´re going to have a good time together. The zone over here got to areas opened so it´s been kind of hecktic because some people are still arriving today but I´m sure everything will get settled in soon... The other big news we heard today is there´s going to be a zone conference we´re going to in Los Cabos next week I think and a general authority will be there, but it´s a surprise who so we don´t know. There´s a lot of changes going on with the missions in México from what we´ve been hearing. The Benamerito (which was a lds High School kind of thing) is going to open as an MTC in mexico and the 2nd largest mtc in the world! I´m sure maybe you´ve already heard about it, but they´re going to be opening 8 more missions in Mexico too. There will be some more changes going on, but I´m sure we´ll hear about it more in the conference too.
Well I´ve got to go. Thanks for all the support, love, and prayers as always. I´m so thankful to be here and know that earth is being more and more prepared for the Lord´s second coming. The gopsel is true and I´m so glad to be a part of it.
Elder Carlson
P.S. Pictures on my way to La Paz and a pic with Pte Cantú in the seminary.

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